Paws for the Planet Daily

Issue #5

[Bone]Star Interviews
[Bone]Poetry Corner
Check out the latest poem in the poetry corner!
Write a Story for Paws for the Planet Daily

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Hey Kids! Make sure to write your own story for Paws for the Planet Daily!
Feeling poetic? Make sure to submit your poem to the Poetry Corner!

E-News for Humans That Take Care Of Their Planet
Earth J's Get Poetic!
Hey Earth J's! Make sure to check out the Poetry Corner and see our first featured poem, titled "Old Hat New Hat", by Katy! Katy did an excellent job with her cool poem!

By: Ashley Hoitink, age 10
The pollution is killinganimals and birds.we have to recycle more even though we are trying, it's so hard. You could might have drink bottle that you don't throw away and have contaners for your sandwich.some people finsh a bottle and just throw it on the ground.we all have to pitch in and clean-up our communities.
The Amazing Day
By: Ashley, age 11
Once long ago their was a dog named Sweetpee. As she was walking one day she met a dog named eco-dog who she feel i love with day after day they met and walked and met and walked.till one day their was a horriable traggic.sweetpee was gone she had disappered and could never be found again,well that made eco sad. Day after day After day he wated to see if she would ever come back and guess what she did!
By: Paris, age 11
Once there was a little dog that went to space!He had fun! He played with his friends!He stayed at space for a long time!He went to go get his family.So they can go to space with Eddy.So Eddy, and his family lived at space for a long time, and lived happily ever after!
Having Respect...
By: Brittany, age 12
If you have respect for other peoples lawns, and flowers, they will respect you!
My friends Destiny, Stephi and I were walking up to the play ground and we were talking to these people that talk really good care of there lawn and garden, when Stephi actually went and said "Look at me" and jumped on their lawn, I thought that was really rude. The thing I didn't like about the part when she jumped besides the fact that it was rude was the guy that lived there came and complained to my dad!!!!! That wasen't fair I didn't do any thing!(I didn'y get in trouble By the way)
Like just yesterday I was walking down from the park, Destiny walked on their lawn and dug holes in their yard( i hope i'm not ratting on them too much :-) ).
But I have to say these people are a little wierd, just today a couple of friends and I(not Stephi and Dest) were standing by the walk way to the park (yes again, its a very lame park but what else can we do in a boring place like this complex?),when the woman came and said to Kristen that she should stay away from their yard, when she wasen't on their yard once, she also said that she had a Big Attitude Problem!!!!!! Kristen doesn't even live up here!!!!!!
But after saying all this I must admit I have ran and walked across their lawn, but now I know that Nature is there for looking at not ruining!
Planet Earth
By: Jenny, age 9
Their was a kid named eddie who trashed up the place. Then one day Eddie the Eco-dog came up to Eddie and said "clean up all your garbage". Eddie said it "it won't pollute anything.what does polluting do".He said."poluting is very bad for the earth". The Ecodog said "o.k." Eddie said. "i'll never pollute again" The Ecodog said "remember three words,reduce,reuse and recycle."


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Eddy the Eco-Dog® is a registered trade mark.